Carmen Tuorgonita

  1. How to demold an orgonite pyramid

    How to demold an orgonite pyramid

    In this video we explain how we are going to remove an orgonite pyramid from its mold.

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  2. The Properties of Lapis Lazuli

    The Properties of Lapis Lazuli

    Lapis lazuli is a deep blue semi-precious stone that has been used for centuries for its unique healing and spiritual properties. This stone has been valued by many ancient cultures, including the Egyptian, Roman, and Greek, for its ability to enhance health and spirituality.

    In this article, we will explore the properties of lapis lazuli and how it can benefit your life.

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  3. Wilhelm Reich, Controversial Psychoanalyst.

    Orgone theory Wilhelm Reich

    In this article we will introduce you to the life, work and work of Wilhelm Reich. Of a long list of literary figures and scientists of the 20th century, one of the most pioneering, charismatic and influential in the subject of the psyche was Wilhelm Reich.

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  4. Benefits of strength training in women

    Woman strength training

    In this article we will introduce you to strength training for women. In recent years, the participation of women in this type of sports has increased, so here we will talk about the benefits that they can bring us.

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  5. Pyrite Properties


    In this article we will talk about the properties and benefits of pyrite for our health.

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  6. Properties of green jade

    Properties of green jade

    In this article we will talk about the properties and benefits of green Jade.

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  7. Rose quartz properties

    Rose quartz

    In this article we will talk about the properties of rose quartz, the stone of infinite peace and unconditional love.

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  8. Amber Properties

    Amber Properties

    In this article we will talk about the properties of Amber. It is not a stone but rather fossilized resin. In this post we will discover what Amber is and what properties it has.

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  9. Hematite stone properties

    Hematite stone properties

    In this article we will talk about the properties of Hematite or Hematite stone.

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  10. Malachite properties

    Malachite properties

    In this article we will talk about the properties of Malachite.

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